What are we passionate about and how do we create value?

We belong to the active part of the green transition. We are the head and hands of transformation. We are the ones who initiate and operationalize the change. And those who lead the way and inspire others to join us with our results. Our business model is based on creating value by understanding and respecting the relationship between green resources, nature and society. Because fundamentally, we understand that we can’t succeed in creating acceptable change if it comes at the expense of one over the other.

With more than 20 years of experience, we know that the green transition needs courage and action – and a break with “nurture”. Our shared green future depends on our curiosity, knowledge and humanity – and it needs momentum.

“At Momentum, we dream of being at the forefront of finding green solutions that can reduce the world’s CO2 emissions. We want to slow down and reverse the negative development so that we can pass the planet on to future generations with a clear conscience. We feel committed to that.”

Kim Madsen
CEO & Founder

Investing in wind turbines

Momentum is an active purchaser of older wind turbines and is today one of Denmark’s largest owners of onshore wind turbines. With almost 340 turbines, 283 in Denmark, 51 in Germany and 6 in Sweden, Momentum has over the years built up a large portfolio of wind turbines, which are efficiently operated by our own administration and service department.

Solar and wind project development

Momentum has its own development department that develops solar and wind turbine projects in Denmark, Germany and Sweden. We have built a strong pipeline of projects that will be realized in the coming years in all 3 countries, and we have already successfully built our first own solar plant and wind farm in Denmark in 2023.

Marie Bach Michaelsen,
Asset Manager

Solar and wind turbine management

For almost 20 years, Momentum has handled the financial and operational management of wind turbines and solar plants for small, medium and very large institutional Danish and international investors.

With strong teams in law, finance, economics, accounting, engineering and analysis, we can handle all relevant tasks related to the operation of wind turbines and solar plants in Denmark, Germany, Sweden, France, England and Italy, among others.

Energy Services

Momentum has established its own service company that handles servicing of wind turbines and solar systems. With more than 50 employees and 17 service vehicles, we cover almost every corner of Denmark. The experienced technicians take care of everything from ongoing service and inspection of wind turbines and solar systems to replacement of major parts such as gearboxes, generators, solar panels, inverters and more. We have access to spare parts sourced from anywhere in the country and abroad, and with over 550 turbines under service, more than 14% of all turbines in Denmark are serviced by Momentum.

Lifetime extension of wind turbines

Our special focus on older wind turbines is deep in our DNA. The ambition is always to make “what’s already out in the fields” produce even longer than originally expected. It’s one of our most important contributions to the green transition, and a very conscious attitude in an era characterized by a “use-and-throw-away” culture.

We are therefore also continuously investing in developing our strong service organization so that our own and our customers’ turbines operate with the highest possible availability and maximum possible production for many years to come.

End of Technical Lifetime

Momentum specializes in keeping wind turbines technically alive for as long as possible. Our thorough monitoring and maintenance enables us to keep wind turbines in operation for 40-50 years. This is much longer than originally anticipated. But there comes a day when it’s over and it’s not economically viable to repair the mill.

For this, we have developed our own concept for turbine dismantling, where all parts are recycled or disposed of safely. This is how we ensure the recycling of components such as concrete, iron, copper, plastic, fiberglass from the blades and nacelle, so that they are reused in other contexts and do not end up in nature as pollution, but are instead reused in other turbines. This is how we save even more CO2 emissions.

  • Lifetime extension of Bockstigen offshore wind farm on Gotland
    CaseBockstigen, Sverige

    Lifetime extension of Bockstigen offshore wind farm on Gotland

    The offshore wind farm is located in Bockstigen on Gotland, Sweden, and is notable for being the third offshore wind farm to be established in the world. Bockstigen was built in 1998. The project consisted of five 20-year-old Wind World 550 kW wind turbines, which have been generating electricity since their installation. The offshore wind […]


Employees who are dedicated to accelerating the green transition every day.


Own onshore wind turbines

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Own offshore wind turbines


Own solar park